Start-up meeting at the Swedish EPA for 8 projects on wetland ecosystem services
The 28 of April the Swedish EPA arranged a start-up meeting (via Skype due to Corona) for the 8 projects selected for the Wetland Ecosystem services call. We were granted one of the projects and will investigate how constructed wetlands in the agricultural landscapes function for water buffering and water storage. LIFE-Goodstream wetlands are an important part of the project.
The project ”Constructed wetlands as hydrological buffer and implications for biodiversity and pollinators” will run until 2023-04-30 and we will use water level meters in 100 wetlands to get data on buffering and water storage capacity. Ca 20 wetlands in LIFE-Goodstream area are included, and the data from those, and the possibility to compare with other wetlands, will give very useful data for the evaluation of the LIFE-Goodstream measures. Furthermore we will investigate the effects of water level fluctuations on biodiversity in the aquatic-terrestrial boundrary as well as pollintaorts. It is a collaboration between us and researchers at Stockholm and Lund Universities.
To the left: one of the water level meters and a trap nest (for pollinators) in a LIFE-Goodstream wetland. To the right: one of the nest box packages to investigate pollinator preferences.
Top photo: a water level meter in a LIFE-Goodstrweam wetland (with one of the projects bird nest boxes in the background).