
  1. Final days of LIFE-Goodstream

    The last day of 2023 is officially the last day of LIFE-Goodstream. Our last activities was two end conferences. One for landowners the 9th of December where 40 landowners attended to hear about the results from the project, and a second one the 14-15 of December for other LIFE-projects, researchers, advisorso and civil servants, were also around 40 persons (from five countries) attended. It was two very good meetings. Thank you all participants!

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  2. End Conference in LIFE-Goodstream

    We will arrange an end conference in LIFE-Goodstream the 14-15 of December 2023. Feel free to register at John.strand@hushallningssallskapet.se The agenda can be viewed here.

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  3. We will use eDNA-methods to get data on fish presence in our measures

    This week we have had visits from the Centre for Genetic Identification (CGI) at the Museum of Natural History in Stockholm (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet). We have commissioned them to sample 30 wetlands, IBZs and amphibian ponds to investigate the occurence of different fish species, by using the method of eDNA.

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  4. Climate gas investigations in Goodstream measures

    This week,  Volker Bruchert and his students from Stockholm University (Dep. of Geological scienses) visited us to discuss LIFE-Goodstream and to sample greenhose gases in some of our project wetlands and in the stream.

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  5. New networking project – more wildlife cameras in Trönningån and other streams

    Sofia Hedman will do her Masters thesis (at Umeå University), partly in our Goodstream measures. A large number of specially developed ”camera traps” will be used to investigate populations and individual movemenet patterns of Mustelids (polecat, mink, otter etc). In total 47 cameras are deployed in 4 catchment areas and several of the them (17) will be located along Trönningeån. The picture shows one of the camera traps.

  6. Goodstream results resulted in guidebook on dragonflies for the public

    The surveys on dragonflies we have done in the LIFE-Goodstream measures (wetlands, IBZs and amphibian ponds) have been compliled inte a short guidebook for the public and for the landowners. The aim is to raise awareness of wetlands and their biodiversity by focusing on dragonflies which are relativiely easy to study. The guidebook (80 pages) show all species recorded in Halmstad, and give help on how to stydy dragonflies and include maps to 12 different sites that are good for ”dragonly hunting”. It can also be downloaded as pdf: Trollsländor i Halmstads kommun

  7. High flow measurement in the stream

    During the situation with very high water levels the last week we did ”high flow data collection” in the stream. The data will be used to calculate transport of nutrients in the stream at different water levels.

  8. New scientific paper published

    We are co-authors on a paper on multifunctionality and trade offs in constructed wetlands. Our experiences from LIFE-Goodstream have been useful in writing the paper. You can download the paper here.

  9. The survey of submersed macrophytes is done!

    Now we have done all surveys in the Goodstream wetlands, IBZs and amphibian ponds regarding submerseed macrophytes. The method (Stand up paddle with GIS-transects) and results will be published in ”Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift” (the Swedish Botanical Journal).

  10. The walking path is constructed!

    The walking path along the stream in the village of Trönninge is now done. We have  already seen lots of people using it, which is great! The remaining work for us now is to deploy benches and information signs along the path. We will also put up several nest boxes in the trees, for birds, bats and solitary bees.

  11. Visit by Monitor and CINEA Project Manager

    The 14-15 of June we had a visit by our Monitor, Inta Duce and our Project Manager at CINEA, Mrs Malgorzata Piecha. A very good 2-day meeting where we discussed the project and visited several of our project sites.

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  12. Bioblitz and open house

    Today we arranged a ”bioblitz” and open house in Stjärnarp where we tried to find as many species as possible and also showed families and children the life in a wetland. A very nice day with ca 35 persons looking for species and/or tested netting for invertebrates in the wetland Läs mer

  13. Work with walking path in Trönninge started

    This week, Sofia and Sam together with representatives from the municipality marked the actual location in detail for the walking path. Construction work will start later in summer.

  14. Goodstream presentation with portable sign works fine!

    Today the graduate class of 1992 for ”Agricultural technicians” at the Swedsih University of Agricultural Sciences had a reunion meeting located at our offices. 60 persons attended and got a presentation of LIFE-Goodstream at our ”nest box wall”

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  15. Field presentation of LIFE-Goodstream at ”Fylleå river day”

    Today we presented LIFE-Goodstream at the public event ”Fylleå River day”. Ca 230 persons got to see our films from the wild life cameras and other information about the project. We also handed out safety vests and seat pads with the Goodstream/EU logos, which were very popular.

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  16. Scientific paper published

    The paper from our surveys of insects and spiders in wetland flood zones is now published. The publication is a joint scientific paper from LIFE-Goodstream and our networking project ”Wetlands as Buffers”. The title is: Insects and spiders in constructed wetlands: interesting findings from a systematic survey in Uppland and southern Halland, and is published in Entomologisk Tidskrift 143 (1–2): 47–66. It is in Swedish but with English abstract and figure texts. It can be viewed and downloaded here: Insects and spiders in constructed wetlands

  17. Increased reported species numbers after our measures according to data from ”Artportalen”

    We have now investigated if our measures in LIFE-Goodstream might have an impact in the Swedish Species Observation System ”Artportalen”. Our intern, Kalle Ström Töttrup, have made som searches on reported species from the draianage area for the years 2014 – 2021. It is interesting to see that it seems as species numbers increase from 2016 when we started our measures (constructed wetlands and other biotopes). Of course it can be other reasons for the increased reporting of species, but it is at least some indication that our measures have been good for the biodiversity in the drainage area.

  18. The storm ”Malik” had a large impact on the stream

    During the weekend the 29-30 of January the storm Malik hit the westcoast of Sweden. Thanks to our networking project ”Wetlands as buffers” where we have water level meters located in 11 streams, we could follow the effect the storm had on the water level in the LIFE-Goodstream stream Trönningeån, hour for hour. The data shows that between 02.00 and 21.30 the 29th of January the water level increased with 1.37 m! This is beacuse the wind presses the water up in the stream channel.

  19. Solitary bee-data collected

    This week, Sam and our intern from Halmstad University (Kalle) have done the final data collection from the 275 artificial bee nest boxes we have placed in the drainage area. Ca 13 000 nesting holes have been measured!

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  20. Work with Urban Storm water Pond started!

    Finally the work with constructing the Urban Stormwater pond has started. Today we had a field meeting at the site  with the project leader and the landscape architect from the municipality of Halmstad. We also started the planning of the walking path along the stream in the village.

  21. Presentation at Wetland conference

    We participated at a conference organised by Stockholm University on multi-functionality of wetlands. Afterwords we attended a very good 2-day workshop on the topic together with ca 20 wetland researches, to discuss and plan a joint scientific publication. Very valuable and interesting events where we got much inspiration and also got to disseminate our result and experiences from LIFE-Goodstream.

  22. Field day for landowners and the public

    Last weekend we had a day with demonstrations of the measures done i LIFE-Goodstream at Stjärnarp. It was a very good day! > 50 landowners visited us and were shown electro-fishing in the stream, videos on all the mammals from our wildlife cameras, our work with pollinators and invertebrates in the wetland among many other things.

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  23. 9 Great egrets in Stjärnarp!

    Lars-Christer Jageland has spotted 9 Great egrets (Ardea alba) in the LIFE-Goodstream wetland in Stjärnarp. It is a naturally  expanding species that has started to breed in Sweden during the last years, hopefully a colony wll establish in Stjärnarp! Läs mer

  24. Våtmarksdag i Stjärnarp den 12 september

    Kom och håva efter småkryp i våtmarken, lär dig om pollinerande bin och humlor, se vad vi får för fångst i elfisket i bäcken, se våra filmer från viltkameror på utter, mård, grävling, räv och mycket mer. Ta med barn och barnbarn! Vi bjuder på mat och fika. Anmäl er till John.strand@hushallningssallskapet.se eller 070-8438218  För vägbeskrivning och mer information se länken: Våtmarksdag i Stjärnarp

  25. The bathymetry surveys continue

    Here is a clip from a Goodstream wetland, showing Sofia paddling with the sonar after the SUP and Lea measuring the shoreline with GPS. This is also part of our networking project ”Welands as Buffers”. Click on the link to se the clip: Bathymetry measurments

  26. Amazing data and footage from our wildlife cameras

    Our wildlife cameras continue to deliver. We have now recorded 12 species of mammals in LIFE-Goodstream. The picture is compliled of stills lifted from some of the film clips, and show six of them; Otter (Lutra lutra), Red fox (Vulpes vulpes), Pine marten (Martes martes), Wild boar (Sus scrofa), Fallow deer (Dama dama) and Badger, (Meles meles). In addition to the mammals, we also get data on birds seldom seen such as the Water rail (Rallus aquaticus). We are now compiling the film data and will upload separate video clips for each species later in autumn.

  27. LIFE-Goodstream extended (and a slight shift in focus)

    We have now received a decision from EU (the CINEA LIFE unit) that our request for a prolongation of the project and a new focus on urban and industry areas, has been granted. The project will now run until 2022-12-31 and we will start to work more in the Trönninge village to combat the eutrophication of the stream. This is in accordance with our results that show that the agricultural parts of the stream now reach good ecological status regarding nutrients, but that urban parts of the stream still is moderate status only. Very good news!

  28. The new creotopes with flowering strips and meadows looks fine

    We distributed a special seed mix with flowering species especially good for pollinators to the landowners, and now the landscape in LIFE-Goodstream is really flowering. This will benefit the pollinator species in the area. Below are some photos on how the landowners have sown the flower seeds, sometimes in strips along roads or around fields and somtimes in full flowering meadows.

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  29. The PFAS investigation on responsibility is done

    Today the newspaper Hallandsposten published news about the investigation done by the municipality on which company in the Kistinge industry area that bears responsibility for the PFAS contamination. Our work in LIFE-Goodstream was again mentioned and the picture of Sofia and Björn sampling was used.

  30. Testing bathymetry methods and flow measurements

    We had a 2-day meeting with hydrology researchers from Stockholm University (Jerker Jarsjö and Imenne Åhlén), to decide methods to produce bathymetric maps of wetlands and to finalise strategy for flow measurements in the stream.

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  31. New Thesis-work done in LIFE-Goodstream

    Johanna Ugander has now defended her thesis on the importance of submerged vegetation presence and species composition for the biodiversity and abundance of invertebrates. The studies were done in LIFE-Goodstream measures, and her work gave valuable data for the evaluation of our measures in the project. The thesis-report can be found under the tab Publications

  32. New school-classes help LIFE-Goodstream

    Our work with schhols continue, and this week three different 8 grade classes from the school ”Kärlekens skola” have been visiting our sites during three half-days. We informed about the project and as part of their education they helped us monitor the numbers of invertebrates in the wetlands.

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  33. Several new reports produced in LIFE-Goodstream

    During the summer we have published several reports with information on the project. It includes a report showing all measures that have been constucted in the project and reports on the effects on biodiversity of the measures The project has also been in various media, e.g. ”Radio P4 Halland” and different magazines. You can find the reports and media appearances under Dessimination/Publication. The photo shows a collection of ”dragonfly faces” from the surveys in the project.

  34. Thesis work in LIFE-Goodstream discovered new project species

    Sara Bishoff from The Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany, did her bachelor thesis here in Halmstad in LIFE-Goodstream. She studied factors determining the abundance of dragonflies in LIFE-Goodstream measures.

    Among other things she found that vegetations is a crucial factor for dragonfly abundance and that our small amphibian ponds are good habitats also for dragonflies. Her sampling of dragonfly larvae also generated a new project species; white-legged damselfly (Platycnemis pennipes), see photo of that species above. The thesis can be found under Publications.

  35. Our indicator organism group (dragonflies) responds well to the measures

    The monitoring during 2019 and first half of 2020 indicates that our measures have been positive for the biodiversity. The species list increases continously, for the project in total and at the different constructed wetlands. The photo shows Brilliant emerald (Somatochlora metallica) a new species for LIFE-Goodstream during 2020. So far 30 species of dragonflies have been observed in LIFE-Goodstream measures which corresponds to 46 % of all dragonfly species observed in Sweden and 71 % of the species observed in the municipality of Halmstad.

  36. New project reports

    During 2020, so far four new publications have been uploaded on the homepage. They consist of two abstract for international conferences in The Netherlands and Australia (cancelled or postponed due to Corona), one manual for construcion of our bee-boxes and one interim report on the biodiversity monitoring in LIFE-Goodstream.

    They can all be found under the link: Dissemination/Publications

  37. Start-up meeting at the Swedish EPA for 8 projects on wetland ecosystem services

    The 28 of April the Swedish EPA arranged a start-up meeting (via Skype due to Corona) for the 8 projects selected for the Wetland Ecosystem services call. We were granted one of the projects and will investigate how constructed wetlands in the agricultural landscapes function for water buffering and water storage. LIFE-Goodstream wetlands are an important part of the project.

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  38. Activities will school children continues

    During April we have continued with our work with the schools in the area. During several days we have shown different classes from ”Fyllingeskolan”, a local middle school,  our work in LIFE-Goodstream.

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  39. 250 nestboxes for solitary bees are deployed in the project area

    We have know deployed 250 nestboxes for pollinators (solitary bees) along the stream Trönningeån. The main purpose is to increase the population of solitary bees in the project area, but at the same time we want to get more knowledge about which parameters are important for the different species. The photo show a few of the nest box packages we have deployed in the area during the last week. Each nest box consists of ca 30-50 holes (i.e. individual nests) so in total we have deployed ca 8 000 – 12 000 nests for the solitary bees in the LIFE-Goodstream area.

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  40. Networking meeting on biodiversity monitoring and project co-operation

    We had a 2-day meeting with Peter Hambäck and David Åhlen from Stockholm University to plan for co-operation on biodiversity monitoring in our joint projects. One of 25 Malaise traps (Slam traps) from Stockholm University were also assembled. They will be used in some of the  LIFE-Goodstream wetlands to monitor flying insects.


  41. Reparation of CW successful

    One of the OCWs at Stjärnarp has had problems to reach maximum water levels and we had to bring out an excavator to investigate for leaks

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  42. LIFE-Goodstream dragonfly photo won photo competition

    EU in my region had a photo competition among LIFE projects and a photo from LIFE-Goodstream won. The price was 200 postcards with the photo and project description. The photo (seen to the left) show an Emerald damselfly (Lestes sponsa) resting on a flower of Great Willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum)


  43. Platform meeting in The Netherlands

    John participated in the Platform meeting ”LIFE Going up a level” in Lhee, The Netherlands 17-18 September Link   It was an interesting meeting where John presented our experiences from LIFE-Goodstream and we got new ideas on biodiversity in intesified agricultural landscapes, and many new contacts with oither LIFE-projects


  44. New Project application

    We have now submitted a new project application where we will use the measures in LIFE-Goodstream to investigate the flow regulating effect of wetlands.

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  45. Full-day visit

    Yesterday we had a full-day visit of some 30 people, mainly ”Opplandskonsulenter” from Denmark (local wetland coordinators), and also representatives from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and municipalities in Latvia.

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  46. Project participation

    We are part of a Formas-project led by professor Peter Hambäck at Stockholm university. Our participation in the project is a result of previous networking events in LIFE-Goodstream and Peter and PhD-student David Åhlén are at the moment in Halland for field work and we are planning which wetlands that should be included in the project. We are happy that several of the wetlands constructed in LIFE-Goodstream will be included.

  47. New Masterthesis

    Another Thesis-study has been done in LIFE-Goodstream. The 5th of June Sofia Hedman & Karin Jermer publicly presented and defended their Masterthesis work at the University of Halmstad titled; “The LIFE GoodStream project in Trönninge: current and expected effects on amphibian populations and otter presence”.  A very good and thorough study!

  48. Biodiversity day / Biologiska mångfaldens dag

    Today it is ”biodiversity day” in Sweden. We celebrate the day by showing a small sample of the species we have found in our surveys in Goodstream. The different measures have large positive impact on the biodiversity in and along the stream Trönningeån.

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  49. Fätvandring

    John och Lea ledde en fältvandring, arrangerad av Jordbruksverket till bland annat LIFE-Goodstream-våtmarkerna. Deltagarna fick även prova på att själv håva upp småkryp och lära sig lite om nattsländelarver (husmaskar), klodyvel, dykarbaggar och andra akvatiska smådjur.

  50. Intern in LIFE-Goodstream | Praktikant i LIFE-Goodstream

    Vi har en praktikant från Tyskland som heter Nina Schneider hos oss för tillfället. Hon ska vara här under maj och juni och arbeta med inventeringar och provtagning. För tillfället inventerar hon fåglar och amfibier i våtmarkerna som anlagts inom LIFE-Goodstream.

    We have an intern from Germany, Nina Schneider, who will work in LIFE-Goodstream during May and June as part of her studies at the University of Osnabrück. She will focus on biodiversity surveys (birds, amphibians) and also help with sampling and other project activities during her stay with us.

  51. Visning av GoodStream

    Peter och John visade Goodstream för vattenenheten på  Jönköpings länsstyrelse i början på september.

    Peter and John demonstrated Goodstream to the waterunit of Jönköpings County Administration in the beginning of September.

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  • About LIFE GoodStream

    LIFE14 ENV/SE/000047 is being implemented with the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union

    The project is co-financed by The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management by grant 1:12; Measures for marine and water environment.